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Vector Group Australia.

  Sydney NSW Australia


Vector VC USA

Tampa Florida United States


Vector Group EU

Bonn Deutschland

What we want you to know about Vector VC

It's NOT about us. It's about our operating partners.

We believe that our work should be invisible. VectorVC takes ownership positions because we see successful possibilities and expansion opportunities in our operating partners. We want to be non-intrusive as we improve daily operations, a positive influence on enterprise personnel, a welcome development to supplier / vendors and invisible to all customers. Strong brands, good products and services, with quality people running profitable enterprises is what is important. It's NOT about VectorVC. It IS about being profitable.


VectorVC is known as "the quiet VC" because we aggressively avoid publicity. We do not disclose financial results or current holdings, except as required for regulatory compliance or national law. We do not respond to unsolicited request for information. We do not accept press inquires. We do not accept job applications. We do not entertain any information sent regarding investments, "opportunities", funding request or unsolicited proposals. This web site is intentionally "de-ranked" from search engine indexes and we do not make our telephone or e-dresses available online. Efforts to circumvent our attempts at privacy are un-welcome.


If you are reading these web pages, because of rumors in the workplace, please do not consider our privacy stance as a negative. VectorVC is proud of the high level of operational, technical, sales and support staff we are able to retain "in place", when we take a new ownership or operating position. People are the most valuable asset in most enterprises. We know this and recognize that poorly implimented "C-level" decisions create opportunities for us to assist struggling enterprises, but NOT at the expense of productive people.
Privacy and "stealth" allows us to swiftly move to greater success and return growth to our operating partners.


VectorVC is "the quiet VC", because it's NOT about Us. It's about our operating partners.